This architectural feature reflects the slick and contemporary features mirroring the neo-futuristic style. It further adds form and expressiveness to the building to create a highly aesthetic sense emphasized through the non-linear form. The integration between the building and landscape allows to seamlessly compliment each other to add more meaning. The materials of glass is highly use to create a powerful aesthetic sense. The use of white, marble and glass material allows to not overpower each other in a sense.
Outdoor view from above
Outdoor view from above on the opposite side
Above Mountain & Moon studio area
Above Mountain & Moon studio area
Spiral staircase in the common area leading to Mountain & Moon studio
Bottom level with Khyzyl Saleem's studio consisting many different car options
Perspective from car ramp
Stairs connecting the bottom floors
Stairs connecting from common area to underground studio
Last bottom level of car studio
Night view from outdoors
Ambient lighting in studio
Area for people to vista to the landscape
Vista to the landscape
Stairs going down from common area to car studio
Stairs going down to lowest ground floor